Value Engineering (VE) plays a key role in maximising profit on development projects whilst up-to-date knowledge of construction products, techniques and design methods ensures cost-effective solutions. Value Engineering Review can be carried out either at tender stage or during the construction stage of a project.
- At the tender stage of a project we can provide advice and review the risks associated with a project.
- We can suggest mitigating measures to alleviate and remove risks and also make suggestions for alternative methods of construction.
- Most projects these days provide for Contractor’s Design Portions (CDP). Be it from steelwork connection design, temporary works design, drainage design or waterproofing design.
- We can provide assistance in taking the design role on board on behalf of the contractor.
- Considering our broad range of experience we are considered well placed to review alternative form and methods of construction where time or cost is considered a key and driving point on a project. Should it be revising from bottom up construction to top down construction or changing from steelwork construction to concrete construction we have the diverse knowledge.