Our Services

Building Drainage Design

Domestic drainage systems are designed to meet the requirements of the current Building Regulations and are also modelled to check capacity and ensure optimum design in terms of pipe depth and gradient.

Main drainage systems are designed to meet the requirements of the Sewers For Adoption 7th Edition and modelling data prepared to demonstrate their performance in normal use and under severe flood conditions.
For the purpose of design and undertaking site assessments we can utilise modelling software combined with hydraulic design and analysis programs to provide a full detailed design of drainage schemes for construction purposes.

  • The assessment of the existing drainage infrastructure on a site
  • Calculation of existing storm water run-off from Greenfield and previously developed sites
  • The preliminary design and use of sustainable drainage techniques
  • Production of Building Flood Risk Assessments
  • Determining the foul and storm water flows generated by new developments and optimum points of outfall
  • Assessing the capacity and suitability of existing drainage systems to accommodate additional flows
  • Design of detailed drainage layouts including routes
  • Design of storm water flow attenuation measures including on-line and off-line storage facilities and simulation modelling
  • Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and techniques (In accordance with the Flood and Waters Management Act 2010)
  • Sewer Adoptions and requisitions
  • Preparation of detailed drainage schedules, plans and sections for the purpose of construction and obtaining technical approval for Building Regulations or for Adoption by means of Section 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991
  • Building waterproofing drainage design and assistance